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Trade on Shares with Pocket Broker

Invest with competitive trading conditions and choose from hundreds of companies across global markets.

*Risk warning: Our services involve significant risk and can result in the loss of your invested capital.

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What is Shares Trading?

Unlike traditional stock investments, you don't need to set up a special broker account and wait for dividends for years. Shares is much simpler and requires no significant investments to start. Just choose your favorite company and trade on its market price without buying stocks themselves.

Why Choose Pocket Broker?

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Pocket Broker in Numbers

  • Icon 1


    Trades Per Day

  • Icon 2


    Accounts Registered

  • Icon 3


    Trading Volume Per Month

  • Icon 4


    Withdrawals per Month

  • 50+ Payment Methods

    Choose one of the most popular global or local services.

    Risk warning:

    Our services involve a significant risk and can result in the loss of your invested capital. Please read and ensure you fully understand our Risk Disclosure